Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fortune Cookie

Dear Bubba,

I had a late task force meeting tonight, so your Daddy and I decided to take you out to dinner afterward.  We decided Chinese was in order, packed you up, and set off on our merry way.  It has been a long, busy, tiring week for all of us.  On top of that, you are teething, and we're not getting quite as much sleep as we're used to.  I'm not saying any of this to complain at all.  In fact, I want to say the opposite.

You know what makes a dinner date with you and Daddy even that much better?  A dinner date with you and Daddy that ends with the entire wait staff and the people sitting next to us telling us what a good boy you are.  Everyone who came by our table remarked how cute and well-behaved you are.  More than once.  Our waitress mentioned it each time she came by and kept shooting you smiles from across the room.  Before we left, the mom of the family next to us said, "Seriously, what a good boy!  When our little girl was that age, we could not even go out to eat."  Gosh, Bubba.  You're not quite six months old yet, and you already make us incredibly proud to be your parents.  I really just wanted to let you know that.

Your dad and I talked on the way home about your poor future siblings.  You are setting the standard really high.  All babies can't possibly be as great as you.  Or, maybe it's really poor you instead.  Your siblings are going to roll their eyes at you and get really sick of hearing about what an awesome little man you are.  In any case, we'll take care of that.  You feel free to keep on being wonderful you.  We love you exactly the way you are.

It's time I close this out because you're in your booth, ready to DJ another Ferri dance party and giggle at how embarrassing our moves are.  Chalk that up to another one of the many, many reasons why we love you and think you are such a perfect addition to this family.

Love you!


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