Saturday, November 17, 2012

Chief Bubba Eats a Lot

Dear Bubba,

It's about time I tell you about all the new things you do that crack us up.  I'm sure you'll have a million new things for us to giggle about within two weeks, and I want to document all your cuteness as much as possible.  I am a hoarder of memories. :)

  • You are completely and totally fascinated by EVERYTHING.  You like anything that lights up or moves or has colors on it or is living or is not living or is a thing at all.  We catch you all the time holding your hand up in front of your face and staring at it in absolute wonderment.  I can't help but laugh.  Daddy likes it when you do the open mouth stare at the stickers on his computer.  You even talk to them.
  • You are NOT, I repeat NOT, a fan of socks or coats.  You often have only one sock on, and we have to wander around trying to find where and when you decided to get rid of the other one.  Sometimes, the search is a little easier, and we don't have to look any further than your mouth.  You look very cute with coats and socks on, though.  See?

  • You are still a big eater just like both of your parents.  We were asked to give you a special name for your Thanksgiving party at school this week.  Here you are as Chief Bubba Eats a Lot.
  • You are fascinated by your own reflection.  This leads to lots of smiles in the mirror and a real appreciation for the reverse camera functions on our phones.  A guy who likes looking at himself in the mirror?  Where did you get that from?  Hmm...
  • You went to your first football and basketball games this fall.  They were both games my students were playing in.  The football game in September was a little too bright and sunny for your liking, so you spent most of the time napping in your stroller.  We'll work on that.  Maybe a trip to the Big House will do the trick.  The basketball games we went to this week were a whole different story!  You were fascinated by all of the action, the shiny pom poms, and the lights.  I was a proud mama as my students stopped by to gush at you and equally as proud when many of them continued to gush about how cute you were when I saw them at school the next day.
  • Lately, when we read books, you really want to be involved.  You genuinely seem interested and even want to hold the book and try to turn the pages.  I think this may be partly due to the fact that you'd like the book to end up in your mouth (like everything else), but I also hope that we can teach you to love books and reading.
I'm sure that as soon as I finish this, I'll think of a bunch more things that I wish I had added.  That's why there's next time, right?  For now, I need to go get dinner started so we can take you to your first play tonight.  We're going to see one of my former students star in a local version of The Giver.  You be good, Bubba!  Until next time...

Love you,



  1. What does Chief Bubba Eats a Lot like to eat? Has he started solids yet?

  2. He's probably going to have his first grains tonight! :) I'm pretty sure he's going to be into this whole food and eating thing. That kind of runs in the family. ;)
