Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Moment in Tyme

Dear Ty,

I love love love what I do for a living, but Sunday nights and Monday mornings have gotten tough.  Really tough.  It's all your fault!  As you sat there at dinner wiggling around and dancing and giggling every time we said "John Quinones" (yeah, it's a weird long story, our new trick), I wished that today could be a few hours longer.  I guess if I'm really wishing, I might wish for even more than that, but we are so blessed to have all the moments we do with you that it just seems greedy to want more.  At the same time, I can't help but feel guilty for all those moments I spend away from you.

We had more truly wonderful moments with you after dinner tonight.  Every little thing you did just made me want to squeeze you more and not let go.  You came up on the couch to snuggle with Daddy and me, which I adore, and you melted our hearts by telling us both that you love us.  You delighted in "So You Think You Can Dance" and added your own commentary.  My favorites were "I love hip hop!" and "It's raining.  It's sad."  You are incredibly perceptive.  You mimicked my commentary as Daddy and I discussed this ridiculous teacher/school amendment that will be on Missouri ballots in November ("It's ludicrous!  Ludicrous!").  You tried to hide when it was time to go upstairs for your bath time and bedtime.  How did we know?  You shouted out from behind an over-sized pillow, "I hiding!  I scare Mama!"

You really summed up our feelings best by quoting Pharrell as we all curled up together to enjoy our last few moments of the weekend.  "I happy," you said, "like a room without roof."  Le sigh.  Could you be any more perfect or any more ours?

"I'd hold you every second
Say a million I love yous
That's what I'd do, with one more day with you

...but then again
I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you"

A million I love yous to you, Bubba.

