Friday, July 5, 2013

Don't Stop Believing

Dear Ty,

I know that I should be much better about documenting all of your little and big milestones.  I don't have the date and time of your first tooth or your first steps written down (although we may be able to correlate both to Michigan sporting events to figure that out).  For that I am sorry.

Tonight, however, I will document an important milestone that may be even better than all of that baby stuff.  You've always been a little man anyway.  You've been great about humoring us with our dance parties for months, but tonight something really special happened.

**For the first time, on your own, you danced and shouted along to Journey.**

Afterward, you smiled and hi fived your dad.  You sure do make us proud. :)

Love you little man,


P.S.  Happy Fourth of July!  I think this will end up becoming one of our favorite holidays.  We had SO MUCH FUN with you and all of our friends yesterday.  There was lots of pool time, play time, eating time, and fireworks time.  What a great day.