Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lessons Learned

Dear Bubba,

I learned two important lessons tonight:

1. As much as you love to hear me sing (I'm being serious about that... I'm not sure why you do, and it surely won't last, but you do right now... promise), you are not amused by me stealing your T-Pain microphone to sing "Part of Your World" at the top of my lungs.  Your dad is not either.  I was chastised.  His lecture and your crying can't stop me, though!  Well, okay, it can.  You better believe the next time you two have male bonding time and leave me alone, I'll finish my song.  Yup.  I might even record it for you to enjoy later.  Yep.  It was my microphone first. :)

2. Mouth fart sounds are funny at any age.  Thank goodness for mouth farts because you totally forgave me for #1 after I pulled that one out of the bag.  I think.  You will.  

It's so hard to decide what the favorite part of my day is right now.  Is it the first smile I get in the morning?  Is it that other smile, the one I get when it registers on your face that I'm home at night?  Is it when we have cooking dance parties with Daddy?  Is it our family reading time right before bed?  This is why I don't like choosing favorites.  That is an impossible multiple choice question.

Love you, little man.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Thank You Note

Dear Ty,

We all know I love a good thank you note.  The list of things I'd like to thank you for just keep piling up, and it's time you get the thank you treatment.  Just when one list is almost done, I find enough things to start another.  For now, thank you for

  • being so darn adorable.  This is not just a looks thing (although it's clear to anyone with eyes that you are impossibly cute), it's an all of you thing.  Daddy and I love every inch of who you are, from the inside out.
  • still, despite the zillions of toys you got for Christmas, being fascinated by your own hands.  It cracks me up.  Thanks for thinking my hands are pretty cool, too.  I love that you still find me amazing. 
  • giving us good nights of sleep.  We understand how important those can be now.
  • keeping your wonderfully good nature.  You have already pushed through one tooth, and we can feel a bunch of others on the verge of making it through.  That can't feel good, but you don't show it.  You are still delightful you.
  • your giggles.  You make yourself laugh now.  Sometimes for no apparent reason whatsoever.  This, of course, makes us laugh even harder.  I honestly believe that your laugh is the best sound in the world.  What could be better?
  • being a little busy body.  You are fascinating.  You are an explorer, and we know we'll have our hands full once your shifty scooting turns into crawling.  That may be sooner than we even think!
  • entertaining everyone over the holidays.  I was thinking about how blessed you are to be loved by so many people.  I hope you know how true that is.  I also started thinking, though, about how blessed we all are to be loved by you.  Truly.
  • screeching with excitement and letting your happiness show from limb to limb.  We could all learn a little something from that.  
I wish I had all night to write.  There's much, much more.  However, duty calls (and by duty, I mean you're hungry).  Thanks for letting me finish... kind of. ;)

Love you,
