Sunday, July 22, 2012

Dad talks Ty!

Dear Ty,

I can’t believe you are already a month and a half old!  It’s cliché to say, but it does seem like just yesterday that I was running out in the middle of the night to find pregnancy tests.  You are growing so fast.  You are already over 10lbs!  Your little face has changed so much.  Mom may have mentioned it, but we started calling you Bubba because of your chubby cheeks (we’ll be sure to tell this to your future significant others!).  Before you came into our lives, I had no idea of any of the development stages babies go through.  Needless to say, I am learning quickly.  I am also learning not to look too far into the future.  There are so many things I can’t wait to do with you, sometimes I have to stop myself and enjoy everything today.  I was so excited the first day you started smiling.  I don’t know for certain if those smiles mean that you are genuinely happy, but I hope they do!  That smile will be the ace up your sleeve in any situation.  Just flash that smile and you’ll be set!  I’ll have you know that your Mom and I make such fools of ourselves trying to make you smile.  We try to take so many pictures of you, but if you ever flipped the camera around, you’d have some great blackmail material!

I was extremely lucky to be able to take 4 weeks off of work to bond with you.  Going back to work was extremely tough.  I loved spending my whole day with you and Mom.  I was so apprehensive to have to leave you for 8 hours, fearing not only I would miss something big, but also that you would forget who I was.  Luckily, I’m not a morning person and you were up late so I was too tired to be sad and afraid to leave on my first day back!  Suffice it to say, I missed you so much.  Since your mom is awesome, she texted me a bunch of pictures of you.  Even though going to work each day is tough, I am genuinely excited to come home and see you at the end of every day.  Most days, you are just going into snuggle bug mode by the time I get home, so you get to claim me as a victim and we have a glorious and much needed nap!
I am just so thrilled that you are in my life.  Another cliché we heard is that you’ll never know love until you have children.  Man, are they right.  I cannot express how much I love you.  Same goes for your Mom.  I dearly loved your Mom before you were here, but somehow, after seeing you and her together, I love her even more! 

I love you, buddy!

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