Monday, July 9, 2012

Once Upon a Time...

Dear Ty,

                I have only gotten to love you in my arms for a week, but I have wanted you for as long as I can remember.  When I married your dad five years ago, I wanted you even more.  For the first few years we were married, he would always talk about “his” kids, and we would joke (I think J) about whether or not the day would come when dreams of his kids would become dreams of ours.  We both always knew, though, that it was just a matter of time. 
                Even before we knew you, we wanted so badly to do everything right.  We got our jobs, bought our house, practiced with your brother General as our first child, and finished our degrees.  We have always wanted you and wanted to be able to give you everything we can.  When your dad started talking about our kids and mentioned to me in passing one time at the mall that maybe I’d be shopping at a maternity store soon, I almost cried with joy.  It was almost time.
                We had one last college style hurrah at your “Aunt” Carolyn’s wedding in September, knowing that we were hoping our lives would change soon after.  We were finally ready to make you a reality, and we knew for sure that there was enough love between us to fill another person.  What we didn’t realize was how quickly we would be blessed!

Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Ryan's Wedding
Are you embarrassed yet?
                Actually, I take that back.  I knew.  I swear I knew that you existed from almost the moment that it was true.  Your dad told me not to be disappointed, that it’s not always so easy.  Still, there was something that clicked with me right away that I just can’t explain.   When my first pregnancy test came up negative, I wasn’t really even that disappointed.  I still knew what was what and figured I had been a little anxious, and it must just be too early.  Your dad thought I was a little crazy.  He’s not wrong about that, but he’s also still figuring out that I’m often right.

After the negative and before the positive... there you are in my belly :)

                The second, third, fourth, and fifth tests all allowed me to say “I told you so.”  The first two tests just had these pesky lines that were hard to read, especially when we knew that if we could want them into existence, we would.  Your dad ran out to the drug store in the middle of the night (while I chugged water to make sure I would not hold up the process) and got two more that would say “pregnant” if it was really true.   They did.  We were overjoyed.  October 3, 2011, was the first of many days where you would begin to change our lives.

This is just some of the tests!

                The hardest part was not being able to shout our news from the rooftops, but it was also kind of fun.  Your dad is not usually very good at keeping secrets (remember this if you ever want to know anything… you can pry pretty much anything out of him without much effort), and it was exciting to have our own little secret for a while.  We read all kinds of information online, chatted constantly about how we would tell everyone you were coming, and thought it was adorable how protective General was of me.  We think he’s known about you since the beginning, too. 
                The only time you ever caused any trouble was at the beginning.  I was teaching a difficult group of students, taking my last few classes for my Master’s degree, and working on my final research project.  During all of this, I was sick.  Oh, I was sick!  I couldn’t eat chocolate or cook meat (or much of anything, for that matter), and I spent many timeouts of Michigan football games in the bathroom.   What got me through was thinking of you.  When I couldn’t get full of anything else, I filled my head with thoughts of how sweet it would be to meet you and to love you.
13 Weeks
Master's Presentation Day
                We told your grandparents and aunts and uncles about you at the end of October, and I think it may have been even harder for them to keep you a secret than it was for us.  You have been so loved by so many people since you were just a teeny tiny little guy in my belly who looked more like a dinosaur than a baby.  That’s what daddy said you looked like after we saw you for the first time anyway.  He wasn’t entirely convinced that you were a baby yet, but I’m not sure it would have made a difference.  He was in love!
                We went to Texas for Thanksgiving and finally filled everyone else in about you.  Of course, there were more tears and more joy.  I was starting to feel better at last, and I was so thankful that you helped me to fulfill my dream of having an excuse to wear stretchy maternity pants for Thanksgiving dinner and to fill them to the brim.    I told my students about you a week later and was glad to be able to finally explain to them why I had spent so much time behind my desk eating popcorn.

Your first 80's Day!
                The rest of my pregnancy went about as smoothly as it possibly could.  I felt great, and you made me crave all kinds of wonderful things.  Your dad and I have never had so many fruits and vegetables and salads!  I liked showing you off as a little bump and feeling your tiny limbs poke out here and there to remind me that you were growing and healthy.  I finished my Master’s degree, and that was sure a relief.  At your twenty week ultrasound, we decided that you were actually a baby (not a dinosaur), and we saw how active you were with your legs all over the place in all of your pictures.  We showed those pictures around to anyone who was willing to look (and possibly to a few people who didn’t really care but were nice enough to ooh and ahh).  We chose not to find out if you were a boy or a girl.  Honestly, we were ecstatic that you existed and were healthy, and we knew that we would adore you no matter what.  We were certainly right about that!  One of the most exciting parts of every week was getting the e-mail that told us how you were developing and which kind of fruit we could compare you to (weird, I know).  Then, we’d flip the block on the little countdown we made and get even more excited for the next week.

20 Weeks

                You were showered with gifts by your Texas relatives in March, by your Mierzwa grandparents constantly, by your Barnwell family in April, and by other friends and family for all nine months that you were cooking.  Your daddy and I were overwhelmed by how many people you were going to have in your life to love you, and we felt so blessed by all the people in our lives. 
We're having fun at your Texas shower!  (Well, I am anyway .)

Texas Shower

Here we are at your Barnwell shower with Heather (and Baby T!)

                We decided that we simply could not wait to see you, so we had some 3D Ultrasound pictures taken around thirty weeks.  In typical Tyson style, your little legs were kicking, and we cracked up that your feet were in your face almost the entire time.  We started planning your future as a kicker or dancer or something squirmy.  Your daddy decided that not only were you a baby, but you were a pretty darn cute one at that.  I must say I agreed wholeheartedly, and our excitement just kept growing.

                We spent the last few months in overdrive.  We were constantly working on your nursery, writing thank you notes, cleaning, reading about your progress, going to appointments to listen to your heartbeat, and trying to get everything finished for the end of my school year.   Dad finished his Master’s degree in May, and we knew we were officially so ready for you to make your arrival.  Almost everyone thought you were going to be a boy, but we really still had no idea.  We were just so freaking elated for you to be you and to come use all the stuff that was filling our house.  We couldn’t believe how one little person could have so many things!

36 Weeks or So...

                The last few weeks were even crazier.  I was finally done teaching, and I started to get bored.  I just wanted to meet you!  Your daddy loved it because I was throwing things out, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, and getting the house ready.  I also read a few books, watched entirely too many Lifetime movies, and even went so far as to take apart the refrigerator and clean it piece by piece.   We started getting daily texts and messages from family and friends who were casually checking in to “say hi” (which really meant they were almost as anxious to meet you as we were).  I started to think maybe you were just too comfortable and that you’d stay where you were forever!  Even though it wasn’t your due date yet, I had sworn that you were going to be early.  It just took you a little more time than I thought to figure out that I was right.  Like father, like son.

To be continued…



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