Sunday, August 19, 2012

That's What I Like About You!

Dear Ty (my snuggle bug),

After having you fall asleep in my arms many times this weekend, which was oh so very nice, I have come to two important conclusions.

1. I wish I could do everything in life while holding you.  I will put off getting a drink of water or going to the bathroom to the point of extreme discomfort just to avoid having to give you up while you are being sweet.

2. You are such a little man already, and now I fully understand why people say that kids grow up way too fast!

As I hung out with you all weekend, I also realized once again how much I love my life and how hard it is to imagine not having you in it now.  I am an obsessive list maker and am also obsessive about checking things off.  I think your dad both admires and fears this in me (especially on the occasions where I "help" him come up with and execute his own lists).  We made a completely doable list at the beginning of this weekend, and I fully intended to delight in checking each item off one by one until there was nothing left.  I became even more aware of how much you've changed me when I looked at my list halfway through the day today, saw that it was only half completed, and decided that I didn't care.  After all, which item on the list could possibly be more rewarding, enjoyable, or important than snuggling with you in your monkey jammies or playing with you to make you smile?

It's also true that just when I think that I couldn't love you any more than I already do, you get even cuter with each passing day, and you are constantly finding ways to make me love you even more.  How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways.

  • Your fascination with and adoration of ceiling fans cracks us up.  You can be in full on Hulk cry, but once you catch sight of a fan spinning round and round, it stops instantly.  Listening to bad pop music also cures the cries, but we're still working hard on that taste level.  Until then, if you want "Call Me Maybe," you got it, babe.
  • You blow lots of little bubbles out of your mouth now and make the sweetest little noises.  You also know the importance of a good drool during a long nap.  I feel ya on that one, buddy.
  • I started letting you fake kick me in the head.  Why?  You give the cutest little smile and giggle (as much as possible at this age) each time I fake a reaction.  Neither of us tire from this activity.  I do it until my neck hurts and I get dizzy because I just want to see you grin all over again.
  • Speaking of that smile, have I told you just how much I love it?  Daddy and I can usually tell that it's coming because it starts in your eyes.  They get all crinkly and happy, and then your mouth follows.  When you smile at me, it's always as if we share a special secret.  I melt every single time.  
  • You're like a heating pad or an ice pack or something.  You can soothe anything.  If I'm tired or worried or anxious or anything else, holding you makes it all better.  You ooze joy into my pores somehow.  
  • You stick your little tongue out at us all the time now also.  I know it's probably yet another thing we shouldn't encourage so much, but it's funny.  We like it.  That tongue looks like something else you got from Dad.  If KISS ever breaks up, they can recruit you two as new members.
  • You're such a laid back little guy.  You have no trouble falling asleep with your arms behind your head.  We can take you anywhere anytime and trust that you'll be good.  You really only cry when you're hungry or you have a wet diaper.  As soon as you're fed and changed, you're happy and chill once more.  We get to take you everywhere.  We really love that.
I could go on and on (even more than I already have), but Daddy needs to pass you off to go get some things done.  You better believe I'm not going to pass up this chance to get more time with you before it's back to work tomorrow!  Thanks for being the most special, most wonderful, most handsome little guy in the world.  Our love affair with you continues. :)

The feeling is mutual, Bubba!

Love ya,


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