Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ty's First Kiss Went a Little Like This...

Dear Ty,

It's soooo cliche to say you're growing up way too fast.  Maybe I can just tell you that you're not growing up slowly at all?  We can't believe how tall you're getting (you're still a runt on all the charts, but you're growing like crazy).  We can't believe what a little man you are becoming or how many things you can do.  You love to run around the house now, and I really do mean run!  You can give high fives and blow kisses, although your kisses are sometimes still just you licking your hand.  It's equally cute and funny either way.  You have a shoe fetish, meaning you like to pick yours up and carry them with you everywhere you go.  You LOVE Sesame Street, dancing, dive bombing face first into General's (unused, thank goodness) bed, showing off when you have the whole family's attention, and mimicking your mom and dad.  We still, of course, believe that you are a genius and that you are the most adorable baby to ever live.  I'm sure that all parents think that, but not all of them are as right as we are. ;)

I'm glad that I got to be your first dance.  We've been dancing with you forever, but I'm talking about the first one out in the real world.  It happened on Thanksgiving weekend last year at the restaurant formerly known as Darryl's.  It's fitting because that's where Daddy and I had our first dance as a married couple. :)  They had a Motown style band playing, and maybe it was "Just My Imagination" (that's the song that was playing... see what I did there), but I think you had as much fun as I did.

I'm also glad that I was your first kiss, which was probably moments after you were born.  I have to share that title with another lady now, though, because you had your first kiss with your little arranged marriage girlfriend last night.  We had dinner with the Johnsons, and you loved hanging out with them and playing with all of their toys.  When it was time to leave, we gathered around to say our goodbyes.  Amiyah was in her mommy's arms, you were in mine, and you leaned right over and gave her a big 'ol kiss.  Your MIL Stephanie and I were delighted!  Daddy and Nate didn't see it, so we tried to get you to do it again, but I think you didn't want to get in trouble with your FIL... haha.  That was probably a good call.  He's one of the nicest guys I've ever met, but he owns a gun, and that's his little girl.  Eventually, though, you did give that sweet girl Amiyah one more peck.  Who could resist?  I am proud of your good taste. :)

As I type this, you are eating puzzle pieces and dancing on your tippy toes to Sesame Street.  There are so many other things I have to tell you, but I'm back to school now, and these weekend moments are far too precious to spend on the computer.  Until next time...

Love you, little man.


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